TellusTalk AB
TellusTalk AB started its operations in May 1998. The business concept has ever since been to offer companies and organizations messaging services via the Internet.
Today we have a user-friendly and at the same time very technically advanced, reliable platform for communication in the B2B and B2C segments. In addition to SMS and Fax, we offer several different channels for payments and two-way communication. We also provide a platform for BankID-protected emails and SMS as well as electronic signing.
TellusTalk AB is privately held and the group of companies has sales of approximately SEK 130 million.
The business has been profitable for the last 18 years and since 2006 TellusTalk has been ranked in the very best credit rating class by Upplysningscentralen (UC).
Contact person: Richard Pietsch
Contact phone: 08-509 126 00
Contact email: